Become an Ambassador of The ICP Maximalist Network

The ICP maximalist
5 min readJun 23, 2021


To fellow ICP enthusiasts and friends,

We are very happy to announce the launch of our ambassador program! This is an amazing opportunity to not only build your skills and your personal brand but also receive various rewards and benefits. We value diversity and inclusion, everyone is welcome to join : newcomers, stakers, devs, projects, investors, influencers, etc. We are taking our community building efforts to the next level and want you to be a part of it.

The ICP maximalist network (ICPMN) is off to a good start since it launched on June 2. You can read more about it in this article. Many interesting people and inspiring projects from the Dfinity ecosystem have joined. You can for example get in touch with awesome founders of prominent ICP projects (DSCVR, Canistore, Aedile,, Dfistarter, and more), devs building tools and guides (, ICP Neuron Calculator, and more), 8 years staker, members wanting to launch their ICP projects, newcomers willing to learn about the Internet Computer, the list goes on.

You can join us here :

Our mission remains the same, it is to make your journey into the Internet Computer increasingly valuable by empowering our members with outstanding services. We will reveal more about these services progressively in the future. Despite a good start, there is still a long way to go for the ICPMN to reach its full potential and help its members 24/7/365 in the best way possible.

About the Program

Now it’s time to take it one step further. We’re inviting our members to take an active part in our mission. Through our Ambassador Program, all members can contribute their very own building blocks to our ever-growing success. This way, our vision will truly come to life.

There are currently three pillars of the Ambassador Program: creating a task force, community building, high-quality engagement. The ICP maximalist network is looking for ambassadors with the following skills :

• Creating a 24/7/365 instant customer service
• Community building to strengthen high-quality engagement on our social media channels
• Devs involved in ICP
• Projects building on ICP
• Marketing & Content creation
• Growth hacking
• Graphic design
• Video editing
• Any other skill you think would help

The priority today is to create a task force to improve our community building efforts with engaging high-quality discussions. We aim to grow the ICPMN with a focus on high quality and meaningful interactions in order to provide more value on a continuous basis. In fact, the more diverse and inclusive the network we are building together is, the more it will be valuable for each participant, including teams and projects. We want absolutely everyone to benefit from the paradigm shift we are witnessing with the advent of the Internet Computer.

More details about the Ambassador Program will be shared with the applicants based on their skills and interest.

Rewards and Benefits

An Ambassadorship grants the following privileges:

• Deepen your knowledge on Dfinity technology and ecosystem
• Join a stimulating environment to build your skills and develop meaningful relationship
• Your best interests will be aligned with the ICPMN to reach your objective
• Opportunity to learn and experiment way more than you can imagine
• Receive exclusive ICP related gifts and merchandise
• Participate in exclusive giveaways only for ambassadors
• Join our dedicated invite-only Ambassador channel on Telegram
• Participate the decision-making process to shape the best Ambassador Program for you
• Gain experience working with the most promising projects and talented people in the Dfinity ecosystem
• Gain exposure and support to promote your work and your personal brand or project
• Gain special recognition from members of the Dfinity ecosystem
• Training and mentoring opportunities with prominent people in the Dfinity ecosystem
• Network with influential people within Dfinity ecosystem
• Get priority for investment opportunities if we get limited spots for ICPMN members
• Benefit from incentive-based compensation paid in $ICP (TBD)
• Get priority on a potential upcoming investment pool focused on the best ICP projects (TBD)
• Get priority on a potential upcoming ICP social network launched by the ICP maximalist (TBD)

The Ambassador Program will adopt a tier based approach. Ambassadors will be upgraded into higher tiers with more rewards and benefits if they are more active, putting more effort, and supporting our community building more. Reaching higher tiers will be initially decided based on the ambassador’s overall involvement. As this program gets more mature, proven and successful methods will be established to ensure that ambassadors who want to put effort and be more active have specific guidelines and materials.

What It Takes To Become An Ambassador

Anyone can become an ambassador as long as you get involved for the right reasons with a genuine interest to take our network to the next level and help all members. We are looking for enthusiastic and passionate ambassadors that will have ICPMN members best interest at heart and who really care about the success of Dfinity ecosystem.

Ambassadors must also share important values we believe in:

• Freedom & Fairness
• Inclusiveness & Diversity
• Respect & Sense of Community
• Giver mindset & Team spirit
• Privacy

Anyone can Become An Ambassador in less than 5 minutes!

Anyone and everyone is invited to become an official ambassador of the ICP maximalist network. Whether you have specific skills or just want to help spread the word, you can become an ambassador today by filling out the ambassador application!


We would like to thank you again for your strong support and interest.

Sincerely yours,

The ICP maximalist

ICP maximalist network :

🖥 Official Website :

🐦 Twitter :

📢 Telegram Announcement :

✉️ Contact :



The ICP maximalist

The ICP maximalist is entirely focused on building a strong community of ICP enthusiasts by providing valuable opportunities & insights into Dfinity ecosystem